Special Opportunity For Investment Property

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Special Opportunity For Investment Property

Austria, Vienna


Property for sale: 500,000 €

Lot/Land For Sale in Vienna, Vienna Austria

Investment property in the best location of vienna, 19th district, for sale.
In the momment the property can be used for weekend aktivities and gardening. There is also a possibilty of bulding a pool with a garden house. There is a steady value increase on the property and there is a possibilty for a construction permission in the future.

Beste Lage in Wien 19. Bzirk.
Investment property in the best location of vienna, 19th district, for sale.
In the momment the property can be used for weekend aktivities and gardening. There is also a possibilty of bulding a pool with a garden house. There is a steady value increase on the property and there is a possibilty for a construction permission in the future.

Beste Lage in Wien 19. Bzirk. Zur Zeit Gruenland welches fuer Wochenendaktiviaeten genuetzt werden kann.
Ein wunderschoener Platz auch seine gaertnerischen Talente auszuleben.
Es gibt auch die Moeglichkeit ein Swimmingpool mit gartenhaeuschen zu bauen.
Gleichzeitig erfaehrt ihr Investment auch eine Wertsteigerung -
In weiterer Zukunft kann eine Umwidmung zu Bauland moeglich sein.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Area   1,604 m2
Features   Furnished, Laundry Room, Balcony, Cable TV, Mountain View, Lift,
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