Office Space For Rent in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Providence China - Asia Office Space Property For Sale Or Rent at

Office Space  For Rent in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Providence China - Asia Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Office Space For Rent in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Providence China

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Office Space  For Rent in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Providence China


Ching-Chun Road
Zhejiang Providence

Rental property: $4,500 USD per month  (Negotiable)

Brand new building in the center of downtown.
Brand new building in the center of downtown.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   2005
Area   4,500 Sq. Ft
Parking Spaces   1
Features   Cable TV, Lake View, 24/7 Security,
Contact information
Contact person name   alex gin
Phone numbers   516 361 8188  (New York, NY USA)

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