Secret Treasure: Home Away From Away - Dominican Republic Villas Property For Sale Or Rent at

Secret Treasure: Home Away From Away - Dominican Republic Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Secret Treasure: Home Away From Away

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Secret Treasure: Home Away From Away

Dominican Republic

Sosua, North Coast
Dominican Republic

Property for sale: $108,000 USD

Villa For Sale in Sosua, North Coast Dominican Republic

Project ID V-0700-210

Place: Sosua, North Coast

Very well-kept beautiful villa, 24h water/electricity/security, very well furnished, bathroom fittings are completely German DIN-norm, 1 washroom completely with floor tiles and iron gate, alarm system, extra sun terrace at the pool, wonderful view to the nature, wonderful well-kept tropical garden with a
Project ID V-0700-210

Place: Sosua, North Coast

Very well-kept beautiful villa, 24h water/electricity/security, very well furnished, bathroom fittings are completely German DIN-norm, 1 washroom completely with floor tiles and iron gate, alarm system, extra sun terrace at the pool, wonderful view to the nature, wonderful well-kept tropical garden with a lot of different plants, surrounded by a hedge, access tared, finance possible upon arrangement.

Lot 10,817.82 square feet (1,005.00 m²)

Price: 108,000.00 USD

Distance to:
Airport: 7 km (4.35 miles)
Beach: 2.0 km (1.24 miles)
Supermarket: 4.0 km (2.49 miles)

Yes Furnished
Yes Pool
Yes Satellite/Cable TV
Yes Internet available
Yes Telephone
Yes Security
Yes Inside of gated community
Yes Project's Generator

Bedroom(s): 2
Livingroom(s): 1
Bathroom(s): 2
Kitchen(s): 1
Level(s): 1

Monthly cost for water and electricity (in USD): 90

Year of construction: 1995

Noise level (1=quiete, 3=normal, 5=noisy): 1
Living area (sq.m.): 100

Surrounding Area:
The villa is in a very calm location, the next is 15m away, in the resort there is a tennis court and an Italian restaurant.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Pet Friendly, Maid's Quarters, Maid's Bathroom, Laundry Room, Studio Room, Pool, Balcony, Terrace, Patio, Cable TV, Ocean View, Mountain View,
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