For Years The Best Resort For - Dominican Republic Villas Property For Sale Or Rent at

For Years The Best Resort For - Dominican Republic Property For Sale Or Rent at
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For Years The Best Resort For

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Property For Sale Or Rent: For Years The Best Resort For

Dominican Republic

Puerto Plata
Dominican Republic

: $98,800 USD
Rent It For: $8,000 USD per year

Villa For Sale or For Rent in Puerto Plata Dominican Republic

Residencial Casa Linda is located on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic between Sosua and Cabarete.

In only a few minutes you can reach the famous beach of Cabarete also known as the “The Center of Windsurfing� and as well the town of Sosua and it’s beautiful bay.
Residencial Casa Linda is located on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic between Sosua and Cabarete.

In only a few minutes you can reach the famous beach of Cabarete also known as the “The Center of Windsurfing� and as well the town of Sosua and it’s beautiful bay.

Residencial Casa Linda is a complex of villas especially adapted for foreign have our own electricity, water, telephone and naturally cable television. Housekeepers, gardeners and poolmen, everything you need for a life free of worries is what we have for you.

In Residencial Casa Linda is guarded and secure for 24 hours a day.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Pet Friendly, Maid's Quarters, Maid's Bathroom, Laundry Room, Studio Room, Pool, Balcony, Terrace, Patio, Cable TV, Ocean View, Mountain View,
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