Beachfront Villa Near Cabarete, Dominican Republic - Dominican Republic Villas Property For Sale Or Rent at

Beachfront Villa Near Cabarete, Dominican Republic - Dominican Republic Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Beachfront Villa Near Cabarete, Dominican Republic

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Beachfront Villa Near Cabarete, Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic

Puerta Plata
Dominican Republic

: $199,000 - $249,000 USD
Rent It For: $850 - $1,250 USD per

Beachfront Villa For Sale or For Rent in Cabarete, Puerta Plata Dominican Republic

Villa near Cabarete directly at the oceanfront quiet, idyllic project with panoramic view lot size: 350 m2 house size: 150 m2 3 bedrooms 4 bathrooms 2 terraces TV/cable, inverter completely furnished. Please click on the link below to view virtual reality tour of the property.
Villa near Cabarete directly at the oceanfront quiet, idyllic project with panoramic view lot size: 350 m2 house size: 150 m2 3 bedrooms 4 bathrooms 2 terraces TV/cable, inverter completely furnished. Please click on the link below to view virtual reality tour of the property. Financing is available on one villa with 25% down and 7 years, 7% APR
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   1998
Area   150 m2
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   4
Sleeps   12
Stories   2
Parking Spaces   2
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Pet Friendly, Maid's Quarters, Maid's Bathroom, Laundry Room, Balcony, Terrace, Patio, Cable TV, Ocean View, Ocean Waterfront, 24 Hour Private Security, Maid,
Contact information
Contact person name   Leon Polonsky
Phone numbers   847.691.9827  (US Mobile) 809.571.0242  (Office) 809.710.0451  (Mobile)

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