Villa In Tropical Garden Of 4200m2 (1 Acre) - Dominican Republic Villas Property For Sale Or Rent at

Villa In Tropical Garden Of 4200m2 (1 Acre) - Dominican Republic Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Villa In Tropical Garden Of 4200m2 (1 Acre)

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Villa In Tropical Garden Of 4200m2 (1 Acre)

Dominican Republic

Las Terrenas
Dominican Republic

Property for sale: $245,000 USD

Country Villa For Sale in Las Terrenas, Samana Dominican Republic

Wonderful villa of recent construction, located in a tropical garden of 4200m2 (1acre).

The villa, 220m2 (2370sf), is solidly build and hurricane proof. It has 3 bedrooms with bathroom, whereof one room is completely independent.

Fully equipped kitchen, big living room and terrace.
Wonderful villa of recent construction, located in a tropical garden of 4200m2 (1acre).

The villa, 220m2 (2370sf), is solidly build and hurricane proof. It has 3 bedrooms with bathroom, whereof one room is completely independent.

Fully equipped kitchen, big living room and terrace.

The property is completely fenced and has its own well, a 6000lts cistern and a solar water heater. It is located in a nice, secure neighbourhood at 5 min from the village and the beaches. Very good investment with extension possibilities.

A unique opportunity.
Property Summary
Offered by   Agent
Area   220 m2
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   3
Sleeps   6
Features   Laundry Room, Terrace, Cable TV, Mountain View, Own Water Well,, Pump,, 6000lts Watercistern,, Solar Waterheater,
Contact information
Contact person name   Thierry Ebener - Zoom-Tropical
Phone numbers   18099628847

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