Renovated Condo Close To Everything - America Condos Property For Sale Or Rent at

Renovated Condo Close To Everything - America Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Renovated Condo Close To Everything

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Renovated Condo Close To Everything


Panama City

Property for sale: $110,000 USD  (Negotiable)

3 Bedroom Condo For Sale in Panama City, Panama Panama

This is a nice, well kept three bedroom condo in the heart of the city.
The last appaisal done was for USD.116,000.
This is a nice, well kept three bedroom condo in the heart of the city.
The last appaisal done was for USD.116,000.00
It has three bedroom, 2 bath recently remodeled
Kitchen recently remodeled
Maid's quarters and bath room
Spacious laundry room
Living and dining room area is very spaciuos
Balcony was closed with french doors and sliding glass windows so it can be used as den.
It comes with 4 AC's
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   1974
Area   1,721 Sq. Ft
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   2
Stories   9
Parking Spaces   2
Features   Pet Friendly, Maid's Quarters, Maid's Bathroom, Laundry Room, Balcony, 24 Hour Security,
Contact information
Contact person name   Luis Dutari
Phone numbers   50766717172

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