Paradise For Sale - Dominican Republic Villas Property For Sale Or Rent at

Paradise For Sale - Dominican Republic Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Paradise For Sale

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Paradise For Sale

Dominican Republic

Puerto Plata
Dominican Republic

Villa For Sale or For Rent in Puerto Plata, Cabarete Dominican Republic

This new villa has everything you could ask for. Spacious, luxurious and affordable. it has high ceilings, 3 large bedrooms with 3 full bath, plenty closet space,tiled floors, gated, circular driveway, large patio, terrace, pool, 24 hour security, beach front community. only 20 min from Puerto Plata Internacional airport.
This new villa has everything you could ask for. Spacious, luxurious and affordable. it has high ceilings, 3 large bedrooms with 3 full bath, plenty closet space,tiled floors, gated, circular driveway, large patio, terrace, pool, 24 hour security, beach front community. only 20 min from Puerto Plata Internacional airport.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   2005
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   3
Sleeps   6
Stories   1
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Pet Friendly, Laundry Room, Pool, Terrace, Patio, Cable TV, Ocean Front Community, Car Port, Circular Driveway, Gated, 24 Hr. Security, Private Beach, Great For Vacation/investment, Near Casino, Restaurants, Supermarkets,
Contact information
Contact person name   mario vines
Phone numbers   305-807-1695 305-229-9712
Fax numbers   305-594-9168

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