Spectacular Townhouse With Office/Retail Space - USA Townhouses Property For Sale Or Rent at BestRealEstatePlanet.com

Spectacular Townhouse With Office/Retail Space - USA Property For Sale Or Rent at BestRealEstatePlanet.com
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Spectacular Townhouse With Office/Retail Space

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Spectacular Townhouse With Office/Retail Space

USA, Florida

Bamboo Flats
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Fort Lauderdale
Florida 33301

: $845,000 USD

Townhouse With Office For Sale or For Rent in Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA

This spacious townhome has three bedrooms, 3.5 baths, a two car garage, a roof-top terrace plus a street level office/retail space fronting N.E. 3rd Avenue in Flagler Village, downtown Fort Lauderdale. The second floor great room has 11 ft. ceilings and travertine marble floors. The kitchen has granite counters and stainless appliances. Truly one of the finest live/work residences.
This spacious townhome has three bedrooms, 3.5 baths, a two car garage, a roof-top terrace plus a street level office/retail space fronting N.E. 3rd Avenue in Flagler Village, downtown Fort Lauderdale. The second floor great room has 11 ft. ceilings and travertine marble floors. The kitchen has granite counters and stainless appliances. Truly one of the finest live/work residences. Call Rob Rose or John Cotter, 954 328 6242 or toll free, .
Property Summary
Offered by   Agent
Construction Year   2006
Area   3,137 Sq. Ft
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   3.5
Sleeps   6
Stories   25
Parking Spaces   1
Features   Appliances, Pet Friendly, Balcony, Terrace, Office/retail Space Directly On Fort Lauderdale Avenue, 2 Car Garage, City Views From Roof-Top Terrace,
Contact information
Contact person name   Robert Rose - Rob Rose Real Estate
Phone numbers   954-328-6242 800-ROB-ROSE  (Toll-Free)
Website link   www.southfloridahome.com/idNRL

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