Condo For Sale Close To The Florida Keys - America Condos Property For Sale Or Rent at

Condo For Sale Close To The Florida Keys - America Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Condo For Sale Close To The Florida Keys

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Condo For Sale Close To The Florida Keys

USA, Florida

2711 Se 16 Ave # 972

Property for sale: $198,000 USD  (Negotiable)

Condo For Sale in Homestead, Florida USA

Lovely Brand New Condo 3bed/2bath in Keys Cove community, in South Florida, available from May/2006. You will be the first one to live in. Located in the closest city to Florida Keys (south of Miami) Less than a mile from the Turnpike. 28 miles to Key Largo. One mile to prime oulet mall. Shopping centers, charter scholls, new big hospital and golf club.
Lovely Brand New Condo 3bed/2bath in Keys Cove community, in South Florida, available from May/2006. You will be the first one to live in. Located in the closest city to Florida Keys (south of Miami) Less than a mile from the Turnpike. 28 miles to Key Largo. One mile to prime oulet mall. Shopping centers, charter scholls, new big hospital and golf club. Swimming, fishing, boating and a lot of Sun!
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   2006
Area   1,182 Sq. Ft
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   2
Parking Spaces   2
Features   Appliances, Second Floor Unit., Ceramic Tile In Living, Dinning, Family Rooms And Kitchen., Carpeting In Bedrooms. Walking Closet, Hurricane Shutters., Maintenance Includes: Common Area/Landscaping/Lawn Maintenance/Pool Service/ Recreation Facilities/24h Security.,
Contact information
Contact person name   Roberto Casin
Phone numbers   305-233-0101 305-213-0064

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