Gorgeous Home! Completely Renovated-Fenced Yard And Pool! - America Single Family Homes Property For Sale Or Rent at BestRealEstatePlanet.com

Gorgeous Home! Completely Renovated-Fenced Yard And Pool! - America Property For Sale Or Rent at BestRealEstatePlanet.com
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Gorgeous Home! Completely Renovated-Fenced Yard And Pool!

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Gorgeous Home! Completely Renovated-Fenced Yard And Pool!

USA, Pennsylvania

1601 Pennsylvania Ave
St. Petersburg
Florida 33703

Property for sale: $289,900 USD  (Negotiable - Financing Available)

Completely Updated Home For Sale in St. Petersburg, Florida USA

Lease with option-to-buy available! Owner financing available!

Completely updated home! Essentially brand new! New Roof, new plumbing throughout, new A/C Compressor and Ducts, new Hurricane grade garage door with opener, new Salt-treated pool with paver deck. New privacy fence around back and side yard. New carpet. New french doors leading out to covered patio.
Lease with option-to-buy available! Owner financing available!

Completely updated home! Essentially brand new! New Roof, new plumbing throughout, new A/C Compressor and Ducts, new Hurricane grade garage door with opener, new Salt-treated pool with paver deck. New privacy fence around back and side yard. New carpet. New french doors leading out to covered patio. New landscaping including outdoor lighting. Absolutely gorgeous home on huge corner lot! Move right in and enjoy the oversized garage, eat-in kitchen, inside laundry, updated Kitchen and bathroom's. Everything is done, move in and enjoy! Perfect location, high and dry since 1996. No flooding problems in any of the recent storms! Huge circular drive for parking. Remote Control dead-bolt on the front door makes it easy to bring the groceries in! Handicap Accessible throughout, including ramp into the pool. CALL TODAY! Price is right!

Sean M. Tennant
Equity Realty of Pinellas, Inc.
Access Mortgage Solutions, Inc.
Property Summary
Offered by   Agent
Area   1,300 m2
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   2
Stories   1
Parking Spaces   5
Features   Appliances, Pet Friendly, Laundry Room, Pool, Terrace, Patio, Cable TV, Beautiful! Brand New Everything!,
Contact information
Contact person name   Sean Tennant - Equity Realty of Pinellas, Inc.
Phone numbers   727-251-4106

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