Five Acre Country Lots - America Lots/Land Property For Sale Or Rent at

Five Acre Country Lots - America Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Five Acre Country Lots

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Five Acre Country Lots

USA, Florida

Florida 33843

Property for sale: $154,500 USD

5+ Acre Lots For Sale in Frostproof, Florida USA

Beautiful, wooded 5.15 acre tracts on paved road. Four lots available. Horses ok. Owner will finance with down payment.
Beautiful, wooded 5.15 acre tracts on paved road. Four lots available. Horses ok. Owner will finance with down payment.

• Quiet country location
• Open and wooded areas on all lots
• One hour from Disney
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Features   Appliances, Pet Friendly, Laundry Room, Studio Room, Pool, Tennis Court, Gym/Spa, Balcony, Terrace, Patio, Cable TV, Ocean View, Lake View, Ocean Waterfront, Lake Waterfront, Building Amentites, 24hour Concierge And Security Services, Valet Parking, Market/Cafe, Full Center Fitness Center And Spa, Poolside Bar And Barbeque, New Outdoor Spa, Private Beach, Private Home Theater, European Cabinetry In Kitchen And Bathrooms, Top Of The Line Appliances, Cermaic Floor Tiles, Sliding Glass Doors,
Contact information
Phone numbers   863-676-0707 1-800-568-4663
Website link

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