Beautiful Coffee Plantation - Central America Lots/Land Property For Sale Or Rent at

Beautiful Coffee Plantation - Central America Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Beautiful Coffee Plantation

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Beautiful Coffee Plantation



Property for sale: $145,000 USD

Lot/Land For Sale in Boquete, Panama

Beautiful piece of property, rarely available for such a price!! Sloped land with creek running in the middle of two hills. Perfect to build a home with surrounding land or divide up the property to build more.
Beautiful piece of property, rarely available for such a price!! Sloped land with creek running in the middle of two hills. Perfect to build a home with surrounding land or divide up the property to build more. Just minutes from cetral Boquete, road access, filled with plentiful coffee trees, mango trees, lemon trees with amazing views!
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Area   5 Acres
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Studio Room, Lifetime Aluminum Roof, Central Heat And Air, Screened Porch, Completely Rewired, New Plumbing, New Well Pump, Hardwood Heart Pine Floors, 6.43 Acres With Outbuildings,
Contact information
Phone numbers   (415)786-7856

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