Dubai Investment Opportunity - Entire Floors For Sale! - Apartments Property For Sale Or Rent at

Dubai Investment Opportunity - Entire Floors For Sale! - Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Dubai Investment Opportunity - Entire Floors For Sale!

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Dubai Investment Opportunity - Entire Floors For Sale!

United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates

Apartment Floors For Sale in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

For Sky Gardens We Are Offering Entire Floors For Sale in Dubai's City Centre

Purchase them for: $463 - $545 USD per Sq Ft

Sky Gardens stamps a stylish new aesthetic on Dubai’s dazzling urban skyline. Set against a dramatic backdrop of austere desert and azure sea, this modern icon soars gracefully upward.
For Sky Gardens We Are Offering Entire Floors For Sale in Dubai's City Centre

Purchase them for: $463 - $545 USD per Sq Ft

Sky Gardens stamps a stylish new aesthetic on Dubai’s dazzling urban skyline. Set against a dramatic backdrop of austere desert and azure sea, this modern icon soars gracefully upward. The sleek simplicity of the exterior complements the modern luxury of the interior to create a living space that’s exclusive, beautiful and utterly unique.

Uniquely located: at the entry to the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), south of the Dubai Emirates Towers our most prestigious neighbors, moments from the Al Sheikh Zayed Road, yet only a mile from the sea. Uniquely designed: the expansive glass facade seemingly floats from scimitar stone supports. Uniquely Individual: bespoke apartments set amidst tropical greenery. Sky Gardens reinvents living and redefines Dubai.

Nine exquisite gardens punctuate the ascending floors, each with their own distinct character, lighting, design and planting. Nestled between robust stone buttresses, all are air-conditioned to offer a serene new perspective on modern living. Then, 36 floors up, Square Garden offers the crowning glory - a rooftop masterpiece of light and nature, a green beacon visible across the city.

From the free-flowing space of an open plan studio to the capacious double bedroom and bathroom apartments – all residences are defined by contemporary luxury with superb comfort and exceptional convenience. The ultimate expression of which are the penthouses.

All apartments enjoy free and easy access to the verdant gardens that make this residence so unique and reinvent corporate living. these private atriums create a cooling oasis amidst daily life - a place to recharge and refresh, right on your doorstep.

There are 3 types of floors:

a. Business Floor - 18 apts (10 studios, 4 one b/r, 4 two b/r)

b. Avenue Floor - 16 apts (8 studios, 4 one b/r, 4 two b/r)

c. Garden Floor - 16 apts (9 studios, 3 one b/r, 4 two b/r)

We are offering investors the option to purchase entire floors (or multiple floors), each floor has an area of approximately 14,000 sq ft and prices range between $463 and $545 per sq ft

Project construction has already started - contact us now!
Property Summary
Offered by   Agent
Area   14,000 Sq. Ft
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Maid's Quarters, Maid's Bathroom, Pool, Gym/Spa, Balcony, Terrace, Patio, Cable TV, 24 Hour Security, Chef/house Keeper, Subsidised Jeep Rental, Airport Pickup And Drop Off,
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