Beautifull Vacation Villa For Rent In Kenya North Coast - Africa Villas Property For Sale Or Rent at

Beautifull Vacation Villa For Rent In Kenya North Coast - Africa Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Beautifull Vacation Villa For Rent In Kenya North Coast

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Beautifull Vacation Villa For Rent In Kenya North Coast



Rental property: 160 € - 220 € per week

Beach Villa For Rent in Kilifi, Kenya

Looking fot a vacation getaway ? a place to rest & enjoy nature ,tropical plants, watching birds,monkeys,butterflies etc....... swimming in our lovely swimming pool,laying on a sun bed,swimming into the creek, fishing,watching crabs into the mangroves,fichermen on their pirogues and dhows etc......
If you like to do all this,don't look further,this is the right place for you.
Looking fot a vacation getaway ? a place to rest & enjoy nature ,tropical plants, watching birds,monkeys,butterflies etc....... swimming in our lovely swimming pool,laying on a sun bed,swimming into the creek, fishing,watching crabs into the mangroves,fichermen on their pirogues and dhows etc......
If you like to do all this,don't look further,this is the right place for you.

The house is located a 2 hours drive from Mombasa or Malindi airport, situated on Kilifi Creek, at this place the creek is very large & looks like a lake.
It is a watersports spot.

From our large veranda a stuning wiew on the creek overlooking the forest facing sunset. Situated in a one acre tropical garden with swimming pool, a few steps from the beach.

There is plenty or room on the property to walk & pick fruits as mangos, oranges, bananas, coconuts, cashewnuts etc.... Our gardener, will be pleased to show you around.

The villa host 2 bed rooms with 2 beds, 2 bath rooms, 1 study tel/fax/internet, 1 kitchen, 1 living room which opens on a big veranda.

House servant & cook are included.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   2000
Area   200 m2
Bedrooms   2
Bathrooms   2
Sleeps   5
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Maid's Quarters, Maid's Bathroom, Laundry Room, Studio Room, Pool, Terrace, Ocean View, Ocean Waterfront, 24 Hour Security, House Servant &cook Included,
Contact information
Contact person name   margaret gerst
Phone numbers   03 88 70 65 37  (France)
Fax numbers   03 88 70 62 37

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