Fantastic Property In Glyfada, Greece (Athen's Beach Suburb) - Europe Condos Property For Sale Or Rent at

Fantastic Property In Glyfada, Greece (Athen's Beach Suburb) - Europe Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Fantastic Property In Glyfada, Greece (Athen's Beach Suburb)

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Fantastic Property In Glyfada, Greece (Athen's Beach Suburb)



Rental property: 1,500 € per month  (Negotiable)

2 Bedroom Condo For Rent in Athens, Attica Greece

(2)Bedroom fully furnished top floor apartment with lots of light and character located two very short blocks from the beach and a block away from the tram line. Space is 80 square meters and includes some antique furnishings. Private parking, Air conditioning, and fully equipped with appliances.
(2)Bedroom fully furnished top floor apartment with lots of light and character located two very short blocks from the beach and a block away from the tram line. Space is 80 square meters and includes some antique furnishings. Private parking, Air conditioning, and fully equipped with appliances.

For additional info: Please contact Angel Bee via email: or call +30 (210) 8993-058 in Athens (Ask for Mrs. Kavantza) or (Ask for Angel) 818 723-3531(cell) in Los Angeles, California , USA
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Area   80 m2
Bedrooms   2
Bathrooms   1
Sleeps   4
Parking Spaces   1
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Pet Friendly, Laundry Room, Balcony, Terrace, Cable TV, Mountain View, Alarm System, Internet,
Contact information
Contact person name   angel bee
Phone numbers   +30 210 8993058  (greece/athens) +1 818 723 3531  (usa/california)

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