Best Ever By The Sea And A Beatyful Beach - Mexico Property For Sale Or Rent at

Best Ever By The Sea And A Beatyful Beach - Mexico Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Best Ever By The Sea And A Beatyful Beach

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Best Ever By The Sea And A Beatyful Beach

Mexico, Yucatan


Rental property: $900 USD per month  (Negotiable)

Manufactured/Mobil Home For Rent in Yucatan/Progreso Mexico

With 4 airconditioned rooms, sercive room, the bar, 5 bathrooms, wide kitchen, dinnig room, T.V. room, pool.

Has a beautyful 13Mtrs, Wide and a 20Mtrs. distance from the seashore, 100Mtrs. of back yard with 20 coconut palms providing their fruits all year.

In a Guarantee safe place at only 5 min. from town.

It is a nice house with a housekeeping family guard.
With 4 airconditioned rooms, sercive room, the bar, 5 bathrooms, wide kitchen, dinnig room, T.V. room, pool.

Has a beautyful 13Mtrs, Wide and a 20Mtrs. distance from the seashore, 100Mtrs. of back yard with 20 coconut palms providing their fruits all year.

In a Guarantee safe place at only 5 min. from town.

It is a nice house with a housekeeping family guard.

U can ask me for more pictures at my email.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Maid's Quarters, Maid's Bathroom, Studio Room, Pool, Balcony, Terrace, Patio, Cable TV, Ocean View, - Tennis Court, - Pool 2 Levels, - 4 Bedrooms, - Living Room, - Dining Room, - Playroom With A Giant Tv Set, - Kitchen (fully Equipped), - Beautiful Terrace Over Looking To The Bay.,
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