****Please note: due to the fact that we are currently building this villa we do not have interior photos. We have supplied floor plans and construction photos for you to view*****

Casa Merlot is a brand new private villa for rent in Puerto Morelos
on the Mayan Riviera, Mexico close to Cancun and Playa del Carmen.MexicoInternational listing of real estates for sale and rental properties. International directory of agents, agencies, brokers and real estate companies. Real estate, mortgage and travel tips"/>

3-Bedroom Villa, Ocean Views: Puerto Morelos, Mayan Riviera - Mexico Property For Sale Or Rent at BestRealEstatePlanet.com

3-Bedroom Villa, Ocean Views: Puerto Morelos, Mayan Riviera - Mexico Property For Sale Or Rent at BestRealEstatePlanet.com
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3-Bedroom Villa, Ocean Views: Puerto Morelos, Mayan Riviera

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Property For Sale Or Rent: 3-Bedroom Villa, Ocean Views: Puerto Morelos, Mayan Riviera


Playa Del Secreto: Puerto Morelos Mayan Riviera
Mayan Riviera

Rental property: $1,500 - $4,500 USD per week

Villa For Rent in Playa Del Secreto: Puerto Morelos Mayan Riviera, Mayan Riviera Mexico

Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   2005
Area   3,000 Sq. Ft
Bedrooms   3
Bathrooms   4
Sleeps   8
Stories   3
Parking Spaces   2
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Pet Friendly, Studio Room, Pool, Balcony, Terrace, Patio, Cable TV, Ocean View, Located In Puerto Morelos Which Is Only 20 Minutes From The Cancun Airport And 20 Minutes To Playa Del Carmen,
Contact information
Contact person name   Karen Scott
Phone numbers   416-628-3657

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