Casazul Bed And Breakfast - Mexico Property For Sale Or Rent at

Casazul Bed And Breakfast - Mexico Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Casazul Bed And Breakfast

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Casazul Bed And Breakfast

Mexico, Quintana Roo

Alcatraces 33 Parque Las Palapas
Quintana Roo 77500

Rental property: $70 - $85 USD per night

Deluxe Rooms For Rent in Cancun, Quintana Roo Mexico

Casazul is a small bed and breakfast, we have 7 diferents rooms with diferents decoration to propose. we like to invite you to choose the room you prefer to stay in at our web site .

casazul is like a home away from home, paco and patrick (owners) live on the property and will make your staying the most unforgatable experience.
Casazul is a small bed and breakfast, we have 7 diferents rooms with diferents decoration to propose. we like to invite you to choose the room you prefer to stay in at our web site .

casazul is like a home away from home, paco and patrick (owners) live on the property and will make your staying the most unforgatable experience.

casazul has a french cuisine restaurant (provence specialty) on the lower part of the housse, with live piano every nigth.

the housse does not accept childrens except if you rent all rooms and make it your private home

all bedrooms are for two people, with one king size bed air condicioning and maid service 3 times a days
each room goes with fresh flowers, fruit basket and a french breakfast
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   2005
Bedrooms   7
Bathrooms   8
Sleeps   14
Features   Furnished, Pool, Balcony, Terrace, Garden, Air Conditioning, Breakfast, Flower And Fruit Basket,
Contact information
Contact person name   patrick cros
Phone numbers   52 998 898 4102 52 998 898 4101

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