Large Beachfront House In Chelem, Yucatan - Mexico Property For Sale Or Rent at

Large Beachfront House In Chelem, Yucatan - Mexico Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Large Beachfront House In Chelem, Yucatan

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Large Beachfront House In Chelem, Yucatan

Mexico, Yucatan


Rental property: $450 - $550 USD per week

Beach House For Rent in Chelem, Yucatan Mexico

This is a very nice house right on the beach. Very close to Mayan ruins and plenty of great day trips. Property manager in Chelem to take care of all your needs and help with shopping, directions.. 40 minutes from Merida. Merida is a very nice Spanish style city of 1 million people. All the big stores (Costco,Home Depot,Walmart...) and plenty of local shops and restaurants.
This is a very nice house right on the beach. Very close to Mayan ruins and plenty of great day trips. Property manager in Chelem to take care of all your needs and help with shopping, directions.. 40 minutes from Merida. Merida is a very nice Spanish style city of 1 million people. All the big stores (Costco,Home Depot,Walmart...) and plenty of local shops and restaurants.
Email @ with any questions!!
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   1988
Bedrooms   4
Bathrooms   2
Sleeps   8
Stories   2
Parking Spaces   4
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Pool, Balcony, Patio, Ocean View, Ocean Waterfront, No Phone Or Tv, Just Beach,
Contact information
Contact person name   John Stabenau
Phone numbers   303 374 1592
Website link

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