Spectacular Ocean And Sunset Views - Mexico Property For Sale Or Rent at BestRealEstatePlanet.com

Spectacular Ocean And Sunset Views - Mexico Property For Sale Or Rent at BestRealEstatePlanet.com
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Spectacular Ocean And Sunset Views

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Spectacular Ocean And Sunset Views


Km 35 Libre Tijuana/Ensenada
Baja California

Rental property: $155 - $195 USD per night

Ocean Condo For Rent in Rosarito, Baja California Mexico

Located on the famous and historic Calafia Point, Calafia’s oceanfront Villas are walking distance to the famous Calafia Restaurant, with it's fabulous weekend buffet, Nightclub for an evening of Latin dancing, cocktails, and fine dining, and Hotel. Within a picture perfect setting you will be treated to pelicans, dolphins, whales (Jan-March) and unforgettable sunrises and sunsets.
Located on the famous and historic Calafia Point, Calafia’s oceanfront Villas are walking distance to the famous Calafia Restaurant, with it's fabulous weekend buffet, Nightclub for an evening of Latin dancing, cocktails, and fine dining, and Hotel. Within a picture perfect setting you will be treated to pelicans, dolphins, whales (Jan-March) and unforgettable sunrises and sunsets. A perfect retreat for couples, friends, or families because of its friendly, safe, and relaxing environment. Located just 40 minutes south of the US/MX border via the beautiful Scenic Road #1, it is only 10 minutes south of Rosarito Beach! The clubhouse nestled by the ocean’s edge, boasts a swimming pool with a view straight off into the ocean and a jacuzzi big enough for you and friends. Swim some laps, soak in the Jacuzzi spa, play tennis on our private court and/or walk down our private cliffside stairs to Calafia's own beach to explore, swim, boogie board, snorkel, or hang out and enjoy the beauty of it all. Surf at your favorite Baja surf spot.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Bedrooms   2
Bathrooms   2
Sleeps   6
Stories   1
Parking Spaces   1
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Laundry Room, Pool, Tennis Court, Gym/Spa, Patio, Cable TV, Ocean View, 24 Hour Security, Wireless Internet In Lobby Area, Private Resort Beach, Ocean Front Pool And Jacuzzi, 180* Ocean View, Sofa Bed (Double),
Contact information
Contact person name   Bob Dawson
Phone numbers   714.743.2255

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