Incredible Progresso Beach Villa - Mexico Property For Sale Or Rent at

Incredible Progresso Beach Villa - Mexico Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Incredible Progresso Beach Villa

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Incredible Progresso Beach Villa

Mexico, Yucatan

Progresso - Uaymitun

Rental property: $400 - $1,000 USD per week

Beach House For Rent in Progresso - Uaymitun, Yucatan Mexico

Wonderful, contemporary, beach home located a few minutes from Progreso in the upscale neighborhood of Uaymitun.

Large windows looking out at ocean, palm trees and pool with attached bar. Wonderful and responsive caretaker lives in house located behind main house and can help make your trip perfect.

Easier to get to than Cancun.
Wonderful, contemporary, beach home located a few minutes from Progreso in the upscale neighborhood of Uaymitun.

Large windows looking out at ocean, palm trees and pool with attached bar. Wonderful and responsive caretaker lives in house located behind main house and can help make your trip perfect.

Easier to get to than Cancun. Fly directly into Merida via Continental (MID airport code), rent a car, stop at Costco, Sams Club, or Walmart for groceries, and be at the beach in 35 minutes. Merida is cheap to fly into, a very clean and modern airport, and best of all never crowded. Cancun is a 3 hour drive.

Activities and Attractions Seashelling, swimming, sunbathing, snorkelling, exotic bird-watching, sailing, windsurfing and kite sailing.

Close to world famous ruins and a short 35-40 minute drive to Merida. A Costco, Walmart, Mc Donalds and any other store for provisions and supplies is on the main road as you head back to Merida.

Fishing can be arranged in Chicxulub with the local fishermen.

18 hole golf court near by.

Vacation Rental Rates

Rental Prices:

September to June - $1500.00 per month
Holy Week, April 7th-16th - $1500 per week
July to August - Rented until 2010
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Bedrooms   4
Bathrooms   4
Sleeps   8
Stories   2
Parking Spaces   5
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Maid's Quarters, Maid's Bathroom, Laundry Room, Pool, Balcony, Terrace, Patio, Ocean View, Ocean Waterfront, Fully Equipped 4 Bedroom 4 Bathroom House With A/C, Silverware,, Dishes, Appliances, Beds, And Linens. Truly An Elegant Home On A, Spectacular Piece Of Beach W/pool.,
Contact information
Contact person name   Avid Amiri

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