Fishing & Hunting Resort For Sale or For Rent in Pelican Narrows, Mirond Lake, Saskatchewan Canada
In the following we will try to answer questions that are commonly asked when property such as this is for sale:
The previous owners bought the resort in 1984 and ran it for 16 years. Two sisters, their spouses and their children spent their spring & summers at the resort.
In the following we will try to answer questions that are commonly asked when property such as this is for sale:
The previous owners bought the resort in 1984 and ran it for 16 years. Two sisters, their spouses and their children spent their spring & summers at the resort. Both families have many enjoyable memories and stories of times spent together at the resort. They sold to us when their kids were gone and grown. They were ready to spend their summers fishing not running a fishing resort.
We purchased Newmart Fishing & Hunting Resort in 2000. We felt the business would be a great change & opportunity to try something new. This venture has been very rewarding for us as we have met many wonderful people from all over North America. Our son worked for us for 3 summers when he was attending University of Alberta. Our daughter who is attending the University of Calgary is spending the summers working for us. For us, it is perfect as we are open from May - Sept which fits perfectly with the University timetable. How often do you get to pay your kids a wage towards University plus get to spend this quality time with them in a beautiful tranquil setting? This seasonal type of business also worked well with consulting in the oilfield in the fall & winters.
WHY ARE YOU SELLING IT? The reason we are trying to sell the resort is that we would like to try some other type of business venture.
IS IT PROFITABLE, HOW MUCH MONEY DID YOU MAKE? The earning potential of this type of resort is entirely up to you. If you promote the hunting and stay open until late fall you could easily increase income. You could also market corporate packages, by setting up fully stocked packages, provide a cook and transportation to & from the camp. Family reunions, school reunions, etc. the possibilities are endless. Just have to think outside the box. You could live very comfortable on the resort income. It all depends on your standard of living, and how much debt you currently have. We could easily live on the income of the resort. We will provide financial statements for serious offers.
HOW DO YOU MARKET THE RESORT? We do trade shows in the U.S. We only do 2 or 3 a year.
HOW FULL ARE YOU? Normally we are 100% full in June, about 70% for the remainder of the season. Remember, we only open for 16 weeks of fishing. There is much more earning potential.
WHEN CAN I COME & SEE THE RESORT? We prefer that you contact us only if you are serious and have checked with your financial institution about purchasing this type of property and what down payment you require. One good feature with this resort is that we own the land which is important for security purposes. Normally, most institutions require about 50% down. Providing all of this is in order we would be happy to show you around anytime.
HOW MANY OTHER OUTFITTERS ARE ON THE LAKE? CAN I BUILD MORE CABINS? There are two other resorts located on this lake. None of the resorts can build more cabins as there will never be an increase in bed capacity on Mirond Lake. The lake is monitored by Saskatchewan Environmental Resourses.
DO THE INDIANS NET THE LAKE & IS IT FISHED OUT? Pelican Narrows is located 20 miles north of us on #135. The population of Pelican Narrows is approxiamately 3500 people. The indians are allowed to do unlimited fishing and hunting in any area in Canada. They have specific netting regulations on Mirond Lake which states the pounds they can net. They net whitefish and are allowed a limited amount of gamefish. This is monitored by Saskatchewan Environmental Resourse Management. If you look at the enormous amount of water in Northern Saskatchewan you will find it more believable that statisticly there are only 2 fisherman per lake in Saskatchewan so chances of these huge bodies of water getting fished out is very minimal.
HOW DO I GET TO THE RESORT? This resort is located on the southern cove of Mirond Lake, Saskatchewan. It is accessible by paved highway up to the junction of highway 106 and 135. 135 is a well maintained gravel road which is open year round for access to Pelican Narrows. Newmart Resort is the first resort on the south bay of Mirond Lake, the access road is about 1/2 long off #135 and nicely hides the resort from road traffic. We get minimal if any road traffic which makes the resort seem very remote and private.
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN VANDALIZED? We have never been vandalized or had anything stolen since we have owned the resort. The previous owners never had any damages in 16 years.
DO YOU HAVE GUIDES? We prefer to run the resort with limited staff. We have not provided guides the last 2 years and have had no complaints. We make sure that the guests are given excellent orientations and direct them daily where to go if they require.
HOW DID YOU ARRIVE AT YOUR ASKING PRICE? Asking price is based on comparable sales in the area within the last 2 years.
ARE YOU NEGOTIABLE? Make us a serious(financially approved) offer in writing and see.
Property Summary
Offered by
Construction Year
5 Acres
Furnished, Appliances, Laundry Room, Patio, Lake View, Lake Waterfront, Fully Equipped Main Residence With 3 Bedrooms, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room, Screened In Sundeck,attached Office/tackle Shop, Games Room, 11 Fully Equipped Cabins With Sun Decks, Outfitting License Permits, 50 Bed Capacity, 18 - 16 Ft Aluminum Boats (lunds And Alumarines), 18 - 4 Stroke Honda Motors 2004 & 2005, 3 - 64ft Floating Docks, 1 - 160ft Stationary Dock, Lake Front Boat House, Filleting House With Attached Walk-In Freezer (with Electricity,compressor For Freezer, And Running Water), 4.5 Acres Of Deeded Land, Walleye And Pike Fishing In 80 Sq Miles Of Beautiful Mirond Lake, Resort Is Accessible By Paved Highway, Unlimited Black Bear Rights In Zone Wmz71, Non Resident Guided Moose In Zone Wmz71, Provincial Power Service, Propane And Electric Heat In Cabin, Propane Delivered, Gas Delivered, Lagoon System, Flush Toilets And Running Cold Water Available In Cabins, Electricity In Cabins, Hot Shower Facility, Building With Mens' Showers, Men's Bathroom With 2 Stalls, Ladies' Shower/bathroom & Camp Laundry Room, Private,uncommercialized Resort With No Drop In Road Traffic, Main Residence Has New(2006) Vonage Telephone/internet Access, No Cell Service Area Provides Vacationers With Work Free Environment, 2 Paddle Boats, 1 Canoe, Horseshoe Pit, 4 - 6 Serviced Camp Sites,