Great Opportunity! Development Land Or Small Ranch - Central America Lots/Land Property For Sale Or Rent at

Great Opportunity! Development Land Or Small Ranch - Central America Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Great Opportunity! Development Land Or Small Ranch

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Great Opportunity! Development Land Or Small Ranch


Comarca Las Conchitas
Comarca Las Conchitas

Property for sale: $290,000 USD  (Negotiable)

Development/Agriculture Land For Sale in Comarca Las Conchitas, Masaya Nicaragua

10 Manzanas (17 Acres)of land for development or agriculture. The property is located at the Comarca Las Conchitas, great location: only 15 minutes away from the Masaya-Managua Highway and the Arts and Crafts City of Masaya; 30 minutes to the Colonial City of Granada and 45 minutes to the Managua International Airport.
10 Manzanas (17 Acres)of land for development or agriculture. The property is located at the Comarca Las Conchitas, great location: only 15 minutes away from the Masaya-Managua Highway and the Arts and Crafts City of Masaya; 30 minutes to the Colonial City of Granada and 45 minutes to the Managua International Airport. The Managua-Masaya Highway is currently undergoing extensive widening expected to be completed at the end of 2005. Water and Electricity. Eight (8) acres planted in "Plantain Bananas". Citrus, papaya, mango, plum trees, cedar and mahogany trees.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Area   17 Acres
Features   Mountain View,
Contact information
Contact person name   Francisco Padilla

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