Magnificent Property Nearby The Portuguese Sea Coast - Villas Property For Sale Or Rent at

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Magnificent Property Nearby The Portuguese Sea Coast

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Magnificent Property Nearby The Portuguese Sea Coast


Rua De Berlim # 20 Quinta Do Bispo Marrazes Leiria
Beira Litoral 2414 - 006

Property for sale: 390,000 €  (Negotiable)

Detached Villa For Sale in Leiria, Beira Litoral Portugal

Detached villa composed by a master suite with private washroom,enclosed wardrobes and dressing room, another 3 large bedrooms with enclose wardrobes, living room with fire place,also recreation room with fire place , and dinning room seperate. 2 washrooms with 5pc. 1- 3 pc.
Detached villa composed by a master suite with private washroom,enclosed wardrobes and dressing room, another 3 large bedrooms with enclose wardrobes, living room with fire place,also recreation room with fire place , and dinning room seperate. 2 washrooms with 5pc. 1- 3 pc., 2 seperate garages,plus parking for another 3 cars,heating,and alarm system, city water ,garden with 6 palm trees and others. garden walled all a round 3 feet high ,with 5 gates. located in the city of LEIRIA 15 years a old subdivasion.18 kilometers from the sea coast, lot sizes 850 square meters more or less.

This property as a set up more like for a family to live in, or for a professional like an accountant ,a dentist,a draftsman etc, or could be changed to a duplex or a triplex as 2 fire places, 2kitchens ,heating system by hot water,and natural gas.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   1985
Area   400 m2
Bedrooms   4
Bathrooms   3
Sleeps   10
Parking Spaces   5
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Laundry Room, Balcony, Mountain View,
Contact information
Contact person name   Ramiro Gaspar
Phone numbers   14165301080 14163576474 fax 14165304733  (month of august call011351 919195443)

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