A Fabulous Piece Of Land... - Uruguay Lots/Land Property For Sale Or Rent at BestRealEstatePlanet.com

A Fabulous Piece Of Land... - Uruguay Property For Sale Or Rent at BestRealEstatePlanet.com
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A Fabulous Piece Of Land...

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Property For Sale Or Rent: A Fabulous Piece Of Land...



Property for sale: $3,950,000 USD

Lot/Land For Sale in Canelones,Maldonado Uruguay

A piece of land of 320 hectares(1 acre = 0.4047 hectares) with 3000 meters (nautical mile =1852 metres) of front to the main highway of Uruguay. In this piece of land there are 86 hectares with mineral rights for extracting sand (5. cubic meters).
A piece of land of 320 hectares(1 acre = 0.4047 hectares) with 3000 meters (nautical mile =1852 metres) of front to the main highway of Uruguay. In this piece of land there are 86 hectares with mineral rights for extracting sand (5. cubic meters). This is the most strategic place for selling sand to Punta del Este, Montevideo y Canelones, including more than one hundred kilometers of seaside resorts. In Uruguay all construction is made of reinforced concrete therefore sand is needed in every construction site. After finishing extracting the sand, several lakes remains which will be used for a five star hotel complex or closed country residential homes. The price asked is completely covered only with the sand extracted.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Features   Maid's Quarters, Maid's Bathroom, Laundry Room, Studio Room, Pool, Tennis Court, Gym/Spa, Terrace, Patio, Cable TV, Ocean View, Mountain View, Ocean Waterfront,
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