Brazil Bed And Breakfast By The Sea-Spectacular Ocean Views - Bed and Breakfasts Property For Sale Or Rent at

Brazil Bed And Breakfast By The Sea-Spectacular Ocean Views - Property For Sale Or Rent at
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Brazil Bed And Breakfast By The Sea-Spectacular Ocean Views

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Property For Sale Or Rent: Brazil Bed And Breakfast By The Sea-Spectacular Ocean Views

Brazil, Bahia


Property for sale: $700,000 - $750,000 USD  (Negotiable)

Pousada For Sale in Ilheus, Bahia Brazil

The Pousada dos Hibiscus (Inn by the Sea) is a breath of fresh air and tranquility to those seeking a calming get away from the hectic nature of today's life. The Inn presently has twelve personal suites each having a beautiful view from a small private terrace overlooking the Atlantic coastline and white sandy beaches.
The Pousada dos Hibiscus (Inn by the Sea) is a breath of fresh air and tranquility to those seeking a calming get away from the hectic nature of today's life. The Inn presently has twelve personal suites each having a beautiful view from a small private terrace overlooking the Atlantic coastline and white sandy beaches. The Pousada is right on the beach so there are no developments or other structures that would obstruct your view.

The guest suites are quaint and include flexibility in bedding (single, double, queen, infant cribs, etc.), air conditioning, a minibar, telephone, color television, clean/private bathrooms, etc. The Inn includes a pool for adults and children, poolside bar/mini restaurant serving your favorite beverages as well as local beverages and foods. Room Service is also available. Menus are provided in Portuguese as well as English presently. Private and secure parking is also provided. Internet is available for a fee. Should you want a guide or translator during your travels, the Pousada can provide that fee-based service as well.
Property Summary
Offered by   Owner
Construction Year   1998
Area   2,400 m2
Bedrooms   16
Bathrooms   19
Sleeps   40
Stories   3
Parking Spaces   14
Features   Furnished, Appliances, Pet Friendly, Maid's Quarters, Maid's Bathroom, Laundry Room, Studio Room, Pool, Balcony, Terrace, Patio, Cable TV, Ocean View, Ocean Waterfront,
Contact information
Contact person name   David Dumond

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