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New Airbus A-380 Beats Out 747

The A-380 has beat out the Boeing 747 as a target by International Terrorists. The A-380 will become the largest passenger jet in the world holding the largest number of passengers.
Posted by Lance Winslow

Overcoming Jet Lag

Jet lag can be one of the worst, and certainly one of the most frustrating, aspects of long distance travel. Also called desynchronosis (meaning “out of time�), jet lag occurs when travellers pass through multiple time zones, arriving several hours ahead or behind their “home� time. This article explores the problem of jet lag and suggest some natural remedies.
Posted by Donald Saunders

Point to Point VS Spoke and Hub? Air Taxi

Boeing it is said took a big gamble in predicting the future of air travel. Instead of going bigger like Airbus and building an aircraft like the A380, the biggest airliner ever built; The Boeing Company decided to go for a more efficient smaller aircraft with better materials and better range. It worked and sales are really going strong for Boeing.
Posted by Lance Winslow

Preventing Rapid Decompression In Commercial Airliners

In Flight Airline Rapid Decompression Breached Window. Ailiner Safety Concept.
Posted by Lance Winslow

Private Jet Ownership Indeed

Wouldn't you like to own your own private jet? Have you ever thought about it? Many of us have and you know what it is not all that expensive as you might think after all. Private jet ownership is really taking off these days. As a matter of fact manufacturers of business aircraft are quite happy with the market sector and most are completely bullish on their future prospects in the industry.
Posted by Lance Winslow

Private Jets: 4 Leaders in Fractional Flying

Fractional flying, you say. Is that division? Well, sort of. Fractional flying is where you, the customer, can own a "share" in a private jet. Where full ownership may be out of reach for you fractional ownership may be the best option to getting you in the air. Let's take a look at four companies offering fractional flying in the US.
Posted by Matthew Keegan

Really Cheap Airline Tickets

When you're looking for airline tickets to your specific destination, whether it be for business purposes or for a well-deserved holiday, finding really cheap airfare tickets will relieve a lot of your traveling costs.
Posted by Gino Sterling

Really Cheap Plane Tickets

Travel agencies are not the best place for really cheap plane tickets. Why not learn the best way to do your own search?
Posted by Steven Gillman

Secrets to Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets Online

Knowing where to find really cheap airline tickets is the first step to shopping for the best airfares online but once you've overcome this little hurdle on your race to getting really cheap airline tickets you'll need to know how to book the cheapest airfares...
Posted by Gino Sterling

Several Facts to Obtaining Cheap Airfares

Need a vacation but dont want to stay around town? Want to go somewhere exotic, somewhere different? Want to fly but worried about the airfare? Sourcing the cheapest airfare available has been made easier with competition growing between travel agencies as people realize that a vacation need not be all that expensive.
Posted by Corsa Dirfes

Sex in a Cessna, Part I

If you have never had sex in a Cessna or other small aircraft then you probably might wish to read this article. It is fun, exhilarating and can get a little tricky if you do not do it correctly. Yes, in fact there is a right way and a wrong way to have sex in a Cessna.
Posted by Lance Winslow

Sex in a Cessna, Part II

Sex in a Cessna or any light plane can be exhilarating and since your flight instructor never trained you how to do this you will need to read all of this several part series of articles, we do not want you screwing things up so to speak.
Posted by Lance Winslow

Sex in a Cessna, Part III

So far we have learned the safety aspect of setting the aircraft up in non-restricted airspace, with auto-pilot and away from other aircraft traffic. Now we will describe sexual positions, which will help you maintain controlled flight without restricting visibility.
Posted by Lance Winslow

So You Want to Get Free Airline Tickets: Should You Choose a Reward or Cash Back Credit Card?

Want to redeem points for a free airline ticket? Should you choose a travel reward or cash back credit card? How should you make this decision? Find out here..
Posted by Nick Lian

Sport Aviation and Jet Aircraft

Do you want a little business jet with a lot of power? Well hold on, as we are almost here. There are many new little Biz Jets about to come to the market place. So what is happening in the Biz Jet marketing the last 2-years?
Posted by Lance Winslow

Starting an Aircraft Washing Business

So you love airplanes and you want to start an aircraft washing service? I cannot blame you, as I did the same thing. After cleaning Thousands of aircraft over the years, I have paid for my flight school, first aircraft and then started an aircraft washing franchise as a module of another franchising company I had founded.
Posted by Lance Winslow

Static Electricity to Flap UAV Material Memory Wings

How can we keep aircraft and UAVs aloft longer and conserve fuel? How can we have a small MAV or UAV remain airborne for hours on end? Perhaps we should design a unit, which flies like a bird but uses the energy, which is all around us to do so. Electromagnetic Energy is everywhere. Can we design a light-weight vehicle which floats about and flaps every so often to remain airborne?
Posted by Lance Winslow

Tactile Strip Sensors on Leading Edge of Material Memory Airfoils

Aircraft designers have always tried to figure out the best compromise for the aircraft they build, trying to get maximum performance at both high and low airspeeds. Now with material memory components they will be able to do this.
Posted by Lance Winslow

The History of the Aircraft Wash Guys, Part One

Business scholars and students throughout recent periods have studied the fascinating business model of franchising. In the most history of commerce under a common currency from Amsterdam forward to the Global Power House of the United States of America we have seen franchises lead the way.
Posted by Lance Winslow

The History of the Aircraft Wash Guys, Part Three

As we study this grass roots history of a franchise company in the making we see how opportunity in the market grows companies and how entrepreneurial thinkers take advantage of those opportunities to deliver goods and services, which match the desires of the market place.
Posted by Lance Winslow

The History of the Aircraft Wash Guys, Part Two

The continuation of the history of a small service franchise business in the aviation sector; whose humble beginnings began in the middle of a recession. This proves that anything is possible and that with enough will and entrepreneurial spirit no matter what the condition of your industry sector, you can succeed in America.
Posted by Lance Winslow

The Wright Brothers

Orville and Wilbur Wright were mere bicycle mechanics, yet they changed the history of mankind by inventing the first aircraft. It is amazing what one can do when you stop limiting your mind and go for it. There is probably no greater success story than that of Orville and Wilbur Wright.
Posted by Lance Winslow

Tips to Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets

Finding really cheap airline tickets online: Looking for a really good deal on flights? Here are some of the best strategies used to find really cheap airline tickets online...
Posted by Gino Sterling

Top Ten Secrets to Saving Big Money in the Airline Flights

Do you know that some people travel around the country and abroad, for both business and pleasure, and save bundles of money in the process?
Posted by Alex Fir

Travel Tips For Getting Through the Airport Easier and Quicker

Traveling is different now than it was before 9/11. Many things make the time it takes to travel more lengthy than it used to be. Planning ahead can shave off a few minutes here and there and hopefully make your travels less frustrating. Here are some things I have found helpful when traveling...
Posted by Sherry Otto

Travel Tips:Tips for Safer flying

Takeoff, climb, descent, and landing phases of flights have the most occurrences of accidents. To reduce these risks reduce the amount of exposure to these phases of flight by trying only to fly nonstop.
Posted by Richard Amburn

What Causes Jet Lag?

Jet lag is a common sleep disorder suffered by many millions of business and pleasure travelers every day. In one recent survey of international business travelers, seventy four percent of those questioned said that they suffered frequently from jet lag. But just what causes jet lag?
Posted by Donald Saunders

Who's Paying for the Private Jet?

M.C. Hammer was known to have a 40 person entourage which he flew around in his chartered private jet. If he needed more room, he'd get another private jet.
Posted by Stephen Van Zant

Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part I

Why did the young man near Tampa, FL fly a little private aircraft into the Bank of America building there? A Cessna 152; What damage could that possibly do? We must figure out a way in preventing our youth from growing up into homegrown terrorists.
Posted by Lance Winslow

Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part II

What happened to General Aviation after 9-11? Why did we take the ITC away in the late 80's? Why were we hostile with IRS regulations toward Civil Air Patrol pilot owners?
Posted by Lance Winslow
Total: 1218 | 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-180 | 181-210 | 211-240 | 241-270 | 271-300 | [>>300>>]

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