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Real Estate Negotiation Secrets

Real estate investors use powerful technques to get what they want. Why not do the same when you buy your new home?
Posted by Steven Gillman

Real Estate News

What you need to know before you buy or sell property, go on contract, pay for an appraisal, be represented contractually by a buyer's agent. Understanding surveys, title search, brokerage, appraisal, insurance, commissions and much, much more to save time, money and sleepless nights
Posted by Suzie Shannon

Real Estate Problem Solver

Article about solving problems in Real Estate: There are many areas one can invest in. Since I was 15 years old I have looked for the fastest, most effective way to accumulate a lot of wealth, with the least amount of risk. I am now 58. While looking for this road to truth, I spent a lot of time...
Posted by Willard Michlin

Real Estate Professional in the Palm of Your Hand

Leasing and tracking and getting the most from your current real estate collection; Landlording; Calculating your property potential cash flow; Real estate calculations...
Posted by Robert Lett

Real Estate Remains A Strong Investment

Opportunities to make big, quick profits in residential real estate tend to come and go in cycles. When a local market is hot, families may find it possible to buy a house at an attractive price, fi...
Posted by W. Troy Swezey

Real Estate Research By Talking

Real estate research may start with looking at census figures and MLS listings, but don't forget to talk - to everyone.
Posted by Steven Gillman

Real Estate Season is Here

Yes, it has finally arrived. This is the time of year when the MLS or Multiple Listing Services go up like crazy in all most every city, town and village. So, what does this mean for you? Well, it might mean absolutely nothing...or, it might mean a huge profitable opportunity. How so you ask? Read on...
Posted by Garret Belisle

Real Estate Tax Incentives

Tax incentives for real estate investors can often make the difference in your tax rates. Deductions for rental property can often be used to offset wage income. Tax breaks can often enable investors to turn a loss into a profit.
Posted by Neda Dabestani-Ryba

Real Estate Value: Knowing yours is Key to Mortgage Success

The value of the real estate you own, whether it is your personal residence or an investment property, is critical to your mortgage and financial success. If the balance on your mortgage is close to or higher than the value of your property, your real estate is not the financial machine it should be. Therefore, if you want to be successful in real estate ownership of any kind, you absolutely must know how to determine the value of your property.
Posted by Mark Barnes

Real Estate Values or Just Bad Habits

Industry traditions are not always good marketing.
Posted by Meredith Gossland

Real Estate Wealth Protection Through Short Sales

When the real estate bubble bursts you can protect your capital gain by using stock market short sales.
Posted by Mark Walters

Real Estate Web Design - 3 Items You Must Include on Your Site

Boost Your Real Estate Sales With a Professional Realty Listing Website
Posted by Michael Turner

Real Estate Website Marketing - 5 Steps to Crushing Your Competition and Doubling Your Business

Internet Marketing Tips, Tactics, and Strategies for Realtors
Posted by Michael Turner

Real Estate: A Strong Investment

Even in uncertain economic times like these, history shows that real estate is one of the soundest investments a family can make. Also remember that the stock market is not the only place where people can make their fortunes.
Posted by Naomi Warne

Real Estate: Buyer's Agent, Seller's Agent & Dual Agent (defined and explained)

There is a relatively new and not always well understood practice in Real Estate sales; it is called Buyer Agency or Buyer's Agent. Until recently Realtors and agents usually represented the seller, in opposition to the buyer, during the real estate transaction. Even the real estate agent who drove you from home to home was not truly working on your behalf. By law, the agent was required to work on the seller's side in order to get the highest price and the best terms for the seller -- Period! Some agents still work this way. In the last few years, first the law and now the practice of representation has changed. We have an entirely different set of options and agreements when we are buying real estate. These options were previously only available and utilized by large companies or wealthy individuals. In the past, the buyer would get a buyer's representative by paying a fee up front and usually by the hour, until the transaction was complete.
Posted by Mr Jody Hudson

Real Estate: Choose a Realtor You Can Trust

Today's volatile real estate market involves complex laws and fluctuating financial conditions. Maybe you've outgrown your first home; maybe you're in the process of turning over your fourth. Whatever your unique set of circumstances, you want to be well-informed every step of the way.
Posted by D.M. Giolitto

Real Estate: Financial Considerations $$$

Raw land as opposed to improved property is much more difficult to finance through traditional lenders. The main reasons are that it generates very little income, development costs can be expensive, ...
Posted by Dan Auito

Real Estate: Reasons and Priorities for Purchasing Property

Almost everyone thinks of real estate as an investment. There is another way. Think of your lifestyle, your quality of life and let your other investments be just that. Lifestyle may be more inportant. You can live like the wealthy do and for a lot less in a land lease community.
Posted by Jody Hudson

Real Estate: The Consumers Will Have The Final Word!

Change is good for the consumer and for the real estate industry. It fuels competition and drives innovation and efficiency. Yet, the real estate industry has seen little change during the last 50 years. Indeed, other than marginally lower commissions as a result of the introduction of “discount brokerage models,� the change is imperceptible. Will the industry survive as we know it today? What will it take to thrive in the future? Technology and changing consumer behavior will be the driving forces behind change, but not the only forces. What matters is what the consumers want -- not what we think they want.
Posted by Manuel Iraola

Realities of Real Estate Investing

If you are anything like me, you are always looking for a good way to work for yourself and make tons of money. Is this not the dream of millions of Americans? Of course it is, and I am willing to bet that you have considered getting into the real estate market at some point.
Posted by Martin Lukac

Realtors - Self Promote Your Way To Success

One objective of the workshop is to give each attendee essentially the same information you give when you go on listing presentations. It's kind of like a listing presentation in reverse, where they come to you as a group.
Posted by Lanard Perry

Realtors Brainstorm For Business

Will the convience of a one stop shopping for all your real estate needs be costing you more than it has to?
Posted by Shirley Turetsky

Realtors: Forget Your Address?

It's a large real estate agency, and the company depends on a steady stream of leads. The website was obviously done by a professional and probably cost a bit of money. Only the website missing something -- an easily found address and phone number!
Posted by S. Daley

Realty Agents: Don't Ask Don't Tell?

Not all real estate agents are created equal. Would you use a new or part-time accountant to fight the IRS? When your purchasing or selling your largest asset know the questions to ask real estate agents before you sign on the dotted line.
Posted by Mark Nash

Refinance Rental Property - Don't Sell It

Think it's time to sell those rental houses, or that apartment building you own? You may reconsider once you see the advantages of refinancing over selling.
Posted by Steven Gillman

Refinancing Your Home Loan? When Should You Refinance Your Home?

Here are a few ways to help you know when it is a good time to refinance your home mortgage loan.
Posted by Carrie Reeder

Regarding Real Estate On Leased Land

Why are there so many properties on leased land along the expensive beach front in southern Delaware? There are several situations here. Business and commercial land is often leased all over the world. In New York City, Tokyo, and other larger, older cities; land owners often lease the land that is underneath those skyscrapers and in some cases even the park land is leased to the city by the land owners. The United Nations is on leased land. The Twin Towers were on leased land. In Lewes Delaware, USA, all of the land east of the Lewes and Rehoboth Canal, what is known as Lewes Beach; is leased land. The land leases there are usually owned by the Town of Lewes and are usually for 99 years and renewable. Some of the properties on Lewes Beach, however, are leased for shorter terms by the town, but as a rule all of these are automatically renewable. When you buy a property on Lewes Beach you pay a fee to get the leased land re-assigned to you. That fee for a Bay Front Property, on the Delaware Bay; can be well over a half million dollars, depending on the size of the lot; and the value of the home and improvements is added to the lease assignment value. In other words, even though it is leased land on Lewes Beach; the price is commensurate with purchasing the land. This land has always been leased land, as prescribed by England, during our American Colonial Period and that ownership style remains.
Posted by Mr Jody Hudson

Rehab Foreclosed Houses the Right Way and Keep All the Profits!

I've been teaching people how to buy foreclosure properties for a long time. And we all make the biggest profits on the deals that we rehab the right way.
Posted by Thomas Kish

Rehab Your Way to Wealth: The Quick Way to Fixer-Upper Success

Completely rebuilding a house is not necessary to make money in investment real estate. Most times, if you have bought smart, you won't have to make a huge improvements on your investment property. Look for places that need only a small amount of work. For example, look for a property that appears to be run down from the outside, but does not need major repair. Here are a few tips for saving money and making quick improvements, in order to quickly sell your rehab property.
Posted by Mark Barnes

Reinventing Real Estate, Part 1: Online and Empowered Consumers Are Taking Charge and Paying Less

As technology advances and new business models evolve, the real estate industry has begun to transform itself from providing traditional, carefully controlled “agent-centric� transactions to new “consumer-centric� practices. This article examines some of the recent industry trends and how buyers, sellers and investors can expect to benefit. The “Five Ds� that are driving change in real estate are: 1. Disruption 2. Displacement 3. Demanding consumers 4. Downward pressure on commissions 5. Developing alternatives
Posted by Charles Warnock
Total: 909 [<<300<<] | 601-630 | 631-660 | 661-690 | 691-720 | 721-750 | 751-780 | 781-810 | 811-840 | 841-870 | 871-900 | [>>9>>]

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