If You Consider To Get a Quick Cash Loan Then Reconsider It - Loans tips - Product at BestRealEstatePlanet.com

 If You Consider To Get a Quick Cash Loan Then Reconsider It - Loans tips - Product at BestRealEstatePlanet.com
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If You Consider To Get a Quick Cash Loan Then Reconsider It

Posted by Terje Ellingsen

A quick cash loan is probably the most expensive kind of credit. Quick cash loans are issued by bank departments, credit companies or independent cash lenders. Is there a cheaper alternative?

A quick cash loan also called payday loan, cash advance loan or a deferred deposit service is a small, short-term loan typically ranging from $ 100 to $ 500. These quick cash loans are issued against paychecks. In 2003, payday lenders like bank departments, credit companies or independent cash lenders serviced between 10 million and 12 million customers. A typical borrower of such cash loans pays $15 for every $100 borrowed. The loan period normally lasts for two-weeks. If you do the maths, youl'll quickly see that this accumulates up to an annual percentage rate of about 400%.

Now, you may inquire that since the loan period is only two weeks, you only pay 15% period. Yes, that's right if you are able to take no more than one cash advance loan a year. However, statistics shows that many of the first time borrowers are taking this type of loan again and again. And here is the real danger with such loans: We have seen over and over again that if you first have started with payday cash loans, it is very difficult to stop taking them. Therefore this type of loan creates a vicious and costly circle.

Let's give an example of the costs of these loans: What happens if you cannot pay back the loan at the end of the two-week period? You can ask the payday lender to hold the loan for another pay period. Then you have to pay the fee a second time and the loan rolls over and it starts to become very expensive. However, if you have a job this kind of loans are easy to get - in other words it is easy and fast money - and if you first get hooked on this merry-go-round it is very difficult to jump off. The reason why cash advances are marketed so aggressively is that they are very profitable for the lenders. These kind of loans are predatory by nature and accumulated fees from repeat borrowers are the big profit generator of this business

If you consider this loan option, I recommend that you to go back and do a comparison of loan fees, interest rate and other costs of payday loans to other credit offers (for example credit cards). I can almost guarantee you that you won't regret it.

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet publisher. He runs the website 1st-In-Loan.net Terje gives advice and helps people with personal financial issues like consolidation loans and applying online for credit cards

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