Five Common Marketing Mistakes of Expert Consultants - Legal tips - Product at

 Five Common Marketing Mistakes of Expert Consultants - Legal tips - Product at
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Five Common Marketing Mistakes of Expert Consultants

Posted by Meredith Hamilton

1. Following general consumer-oriented marketing practices. When marketing your services to the legal community, you cannot promise results ("I'll help your side win") which is the entire foundation of general marketing! Read on for the other 4:

1. Following general consumer-oriented marketing practices. When marketing your services to the legal community, you cannot promise results ("I'll help your side win") which is the entire foundation of general marketing!

2. Inconsistency in marketing materials. Your stationery, business card, brochure, website, etc. should be identical in style, format and wording. This establishes familiarity with your potential clients and promotes a professional image.

3. Not marketing at all. Marketing does not have to mean sacrificing your integrity or feeling like a used-car salesman. Marketing is simply communicating your qualifications and availability to your target prospects. Practiced according to the standards appropriate in the legal community, it can be a very dignified and effective tool.

4. Failing to communicate on a consistent database with former clients and prospects. You should be building a database of attorneys you have worked with, have received inquiries from, have met at networking events or know handle cases in your area of expertise. This list should be contacted regularly, at least four times a year, to build your image and keep you in the forefront.

5. Setting rates too low. If a prospect has never balked at your rates, they are too low. You earned your expertise - charge for it. Attorneys rarely choose an expert based on fees and value is often perceived to be greater when you charge a higher rate.

Meredith Hamilton

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