Findhorn and the Hand of Fate - Travel tips - Product at

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Findhorn and the Hand of Fate

Posted by Robert Baird

Findhorn and the Foundation that supports it or grew out of it should be high on the list of places each person should understand. The effect of harmonics and energy from the mind and cosmic soup can bring the 'pot of gold' associated with its leprechauns to everyone.

The air traffic controllers were on strike when we were in Europe. Sherry and I were forced to travel by boat and train as a result of this, on our way to Paris from London. We arrived before noon at Le Gare Du Nord which was the main Paris train station. When I spoke with Marsha upon my return I was surprised to hear she had been in Europe at the same time I was. She and I, both, had never been to Europe before. When she told me that she had been at Le Gare Du Nord at what might have been the exact same time or at least close to the same time, I knew more than ever that I was bucking the 'hand of fate'. Marsha had many stories to tell me but the most meaningful one related to her trip to Findhorn which we had spoken about seeing together at one time. She was still without any man in her life and that saddened me. I am including an excerpt from a book on Findhorn for those who are not familiar with the wondrous circumstances of this hallowed part of our planet.

The Magic of Findhorn by Paul Hawken in 1975, with a heading "The Extraordinary Community Where Man cooperates with Plants, Where People are Transformed, Where Nothing is Impossible and legends are Reborn." begins with the following passage:

"To the Kingdom of the Wind

There have been stories in the press and other media about a small community in the north of Scotland called Findhorn where people talk to plants with amazing results - stories of vegetable and flower gardens animated by angelic forms where Pan's pipes are heard in the winds - stories of plants performing incredible feats of growth and endurance: 40-pound cabbages, 8 foot delphiniums and roses blooming in the snow - all a short distance from the Arctic Circle - Don Juan and Tolkein combined, where the elemental world of plants and animals cooperate with fairies, elves and gnomes in creating a land where nothing is impossible... a cold windblown peninsula jutting into the North Sea with soil as sandy and worthless as your local beach...

With those sketchy and unbelievable tales, I left America for Scotland to search out the Findhorn Gardens. What I found seems larger than a 40-pound cabbage. Fairies and Elves seem tame stuff compared to what one experiences there. Findhorn may be a manifestation of a light and power which could transform our planet within a lifetime, or it could be an illusory bubble on the troubled waters of the world civilization that will burst, leaving no traces. A born skeptic, I can appreciate that much of what you will read will seem implausible and incredible. I do not ask that you believe this account, for it is written through only one man's eyes. Every aspect of creation has as many realities as perceivers."

The comment he makes about 'leaving no traces' is quite a propos when taken in historical perspectives of what has gone on throughout history. Marsha is an Aquarius and had fully explored her psychic attributes. At this juncture I only knew a little of how important this is to me and finding my purposeful 'fit' in relations with other people. It did not surprise me that she saw the 'little people'. In reality I would have doubted their existence if she had not seen them. There were other aspects of this one and only trip to Europe that made me aware that my relationship with Sherry had major difficulties. Calling Marsha had included the thought that I would change my commitment to Sherry and marry Marsha, but I never discussed this with Marsha. When I talked with her I still found my love for Sherry was strong and my refusal or stubbornness Vis a Vis the psychic or spiritual 'hand of fate' was something still rampant in my psyche. Sherry has always been able to relate to these things and has learned a great deal but there was always a gap or need for further proof that separated us. Perhaps it was a matter of ego and my need to be the teacher that didn't exist in the relationship with Marsha. Maybe I am a martyr or masochist but I continued to put Sherry on a pedestal.

There was a never ending stream of psychic things happening in my life. It became ordinary and in some ways less important. It was just parlour games or tricks and traps if I wasn't going to really do something with it. That requires a great deal of courage though; people are frightened and threatened or they think you are bragging when you share these things. The resultant projections of these fears and supposed motivations upon me were not something I could easily deal with due to the real joy and ego satisfaction they have always brought me.

Soul enabling activist for ecumenicism.

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