Cash Advance Payday Loans: A First Time Users Guide
Posted by Greg Ford
If you considering using a Cash Advance Payday Loan service for the first time, this article addresses the most frequently ask questions.
A cash advance provides you with emergency cash when you need it most... usually between paydays! It is just as it sounds... a short-term cash advance. Normally there is very little paperwork involved. Just complete a short application. Once approved you can usually receive the cash on the next business day! Some companies offer even faster service.
If you considering using a Cash Advance Payday Loan service for the first time, this article addresses the most frequently ask questions. WHAT IS A CASH ADVANCE PAYDAY LOAN? A cash advance provides you with emergency cash when you need it most... usually between paydays! It is just as it sounds... a short-term cash advance. Normally there is very little paperwork involved. Just complete a short application. Once approved you can usually receive the cash on the next business day! Some companies offer even faster service. HOW DO I QUALIFY? Qualifying is easy! Most companies do not check credit! Even bankruptcy, bounced checks, and charge-offs don't prevent you from getting the cash advance you need! You mainly have to prove you have the ability to repay. Individual companies have their own guidelines... but the most common are: · Have a current job (or receive regular income) · Make at least $1000 per month · Are 18 years of age or older and a U.S. citizen · Have a checking, or savings account HOW MUCH CAN I QUALIFY FOR? How much you qualify for depends on the individual company, and a number of factors. It is very common for most companies to limit a first-time customer to $100 to $500. Once you establish a good history with them, you can borrow more. WHAT WILL IT COST ME? Typically... a cash advance of $100 could cost between $15 to $25. So if you borrow $100 you can expect to payback a total of approximately $125 The Cash Advance Payday Loan industry has been the subject of criticism because if compared to a bank or credit union, using the same repayment period, the interest rate is much higher. However they are considered much higher risk loans because no credit check is performed, and there is very little documentation. Cash advance loans are designed for emergency situations! When you are short on cash and need money fast! Family emergencies, unexpected car repairs, overdrafts, telephone reconnection, the rent is due, etc. Some companies post their fees right on their websites. With other companies the actual fees for the particular amount you request are determined based on the information you provide when you submit your application. You ALWAYS will have an opportunity to not accept it. You are NEVER obligated to accept a cash advance just because you submitted an online application. WHEN DO I GET THE MONEY? Once you have applied online, many companies will follow up with a contact by phone to verify your information and explain the terms to you. The key is how quickly can your information be verified! Most companies can wire the money directly to your bank account within 24 hours. There some companies that say they can do it in even less time. WHEN DO I REPAY? It important to keep in mind that this is a short-term loan! The minimum required payment is typically due within 7 to 14 days. The same way they wired the money directly to your bank account... would usually be how your payment will be made.
The company will let you know the exact amount, and the exact date they will do the bank withdrawal. You will know all of this BEFORE you agree to the advance. As that day gets near and you know you may not have all of the payment... contact the company. Most customers have options that will allow for a refinanced, or restructure of the pay period. If you would like to view a list of recommended, reputable online payday loan companies, click here: More information regarding Cash Advance Payday Loans can be found at: