CD-ROM Atlases make for Precision Travel Planning - Travel tips - Product at

 CD-ROM Atlases make for Precision Travel Planning - Travel tips - Product at
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CD-ROM Atlases make for Precision Travel Planning

Posted by Francis Ardi

The geographic information provided by CD-ROM "map software" such as Expedia Streets would make it prudent for anyone who travels a lot to keep the disk in the laptop computer's CD drive.

The geographic information provided by CD-ROM "map software" such as Expedia Streets would make it prudent for anyone who travels a lot to keep the disk in the laptop computer's CD drive.

Many vacationers and business travelers could use more detailed driving directions than what can be obtained from those courtesy maps distributed at car rental offices.

A typical business traveler flying to an out of town meeting or conference in an unfamiliar location would want a map showing the "big picture" covering the greater metro area between the airport and the location of the appointment venue showing the freeways and major streets.

There would also be the need to zoom in on the exact address of the location so that directions on where to get off the freeway and drive to the building.

With a whole set of "street atlases" tucked neatly into your laptop computer you can first zoom onto the major metropolitan area to familiarize yourself with the freeways and major thoroughfares, or you can start by typing the address of your appointment into the dialog box where you will have the location pinpointed on a map covering a small number of city blocks. You can then zoom out until you see your location tying into the major thoroughfares.

If you do not have a notebook computer, you can print the maps you will need so that you will have the necessary directions to carry with you to your destination.

The Author, Francis Ardi, is developer of, a Java programmed, interactive web page map application for point and click flight reservations across North America, including Alaska, Canada, Hawaii and the Caribbean. Visit

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